A Favorite Post

Monday, July 16, 2018

Great Blue Heron, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

So I happened to glance out the window and lo and behold, there was a big turkey, a little turkey, and a young buck gazing curiously at each other. Of course, this image was captured through glass and screen thus not very sharp but, still interesting.

Unfortunately, my movement inside made them disperse quickly.

I consider myself very fortunate to live in an area where deer, turkeys, foxes, hawks, herons, otters, and countless other wild creatures wander by on occasion.

Sometimes a Great Blue Heron circles down into this little oasis in the trees but, I never seem to be quick enough or inclined enough to grab and use a camera. I am so transfixed and stunned by the sight that I just stare in wonder. As he circles lower and lower, his 6-foot wingspan appears gargantuan relative to the setting of this tiny wooded pond. As he flares to land on a branch after gliding across the water, I am glad to have spent the moment enjoying his arrival rather than fiddling with a camera. So, for this image, you'll have to imagine the scene in your own mind's eye based on the description. Can you see it?

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