A Favorite Post

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Walk Up the Bell Tower, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

I found myself again at the bell tower on the Cornell campus in the late afternoon.  Time to climb to the top and enjoy the bell chimes concert! Looking out the slitted openings at the top........

.....offers this great view! The air was much clearer on this day compared to my previous visit. That's Cayuga Lake stretching off 40 miles toward the horizon.

I do so enjoy watching and hearing these musicians perform for the entire campus and Ithaca area.

It's definitely worth the 161 steps to the top -  I was the old man with the slow pace going up the narrow stairs. The young whipper-snappers ahead of me had to stop to catch their breath - they haven't yet learned the life lesson from Aesop's fable that slow but steady usually wins the race.

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