A Favorite Post

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Mass Audubon, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Amber waves of grain? Not quite but, the golden hue is a nice addition to nature's winter palette in the Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, a 450-acre property along Beaver Dam Road.

I don't know where this trail goes but, it's obviously closed. And much more compatible with the setting than if a barricade had been erected and adorned with garish brightly colored paint saying, "keep out."

I'm not sure why someone built this rock cairn. Generally, on public lands they should only be used to mark a hard-to-find trail. Building one for fun or entertainment detracts from the natural beauty of the location. Granted, it's a fun challenge to see how many one can stack vertically.

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