A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Day of Shadows, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Shortly after sunrise and shadows are from the east-southeast...........

Later, shadows are from the southeast..........

Later still, shadows are from the south-southeast........

Midday, shadows are from the south........

Later still, shadows are from the south-southwest............

And lastly, shadows are from the west-northwest. How can that be? The sun doesn't arc that far at this time of year in this location. True but, the moon does.

This image was made after midnight under full moonlight. I propped the camera on the window sill and held the shutter open for a few seconds. How about that. Never a dull moment in the life of a retiree. (Dull is relative).


  1. Very interesting attention to the direction of shadows at your beautiful pond. I need to pay more attention. Impressed by your after midnight full moon observation. Thank you for sharing, love when your posts get me thinking!
