A Favorite Post

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Mass Audubon, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

On a recent walk, my own shadow/silhouette in the foreground of this view of the 450-acre Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary heightened my awareness of finding other silhouettes...... (Click on an image to view a higher resolution version if your device supports that action)......

......like this one......

.....and this one, too.

One of the very few markings in the sanctuary, I read and gave thought to this sign. As a former bureaucrat, I know that choosing exactly the correct wording to list prohibitions in concise terms is no small feat.  Anything missing?

Come out to Beaver Dam Road in Manomet/Plymouth and enjoy this newest jewel in Mass Audubon's many properties. Here's a link to a recent blog post commemorating the opening of this extraordinary property.

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