A Favorite Post

Monday, December 11, 2017

Nobska Lighthouse, Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Sometimes, timing, opportunity, and weather all come together to create ideal conditions for a particular photographic location. In this case, Nobska Lighthouse on Cape Cod. The current structure was built in 1876 but the lighthouse function has been ongoing since 1826. (Click on an image to view a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

On this particular morning, it was cloudy, overcast, cool, with low visibility but, I knew a weather front was pushing through over the next few hours. The clouds would break-up, blue sky would peek out, the air would be fresh and sharp, and cloud formations perhaps dramatic.....

....it was a promising set of circumstances to do a study of the Nobska Lighthouse.

The seasonal wreath and bow was an added nice touch.

The evolving sky was as expected and desired.

One of these views is my favorite image - I'm just not sure which one!

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