A Favorite Post

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Lucifer Falls, Robert Treman State Park, Ithaca, New York, USA

I haven't seen all the waterfalls in the Ithaca area but, after seeing and enjoying Lucifer Falls, I think I can say I have seen one of the best. Of course it helped that monster rains had fallen within the past few days so the gorge was full of thundering, gushing, white water. Above, the ever-willing Amy poses to provide human scale and interest at the entrance to the upper gorge. And no, this is not Lucifer Falls just yet. (Click on an image to view a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

Looking back 180 degrees relative to the first image. And no, this is not Lucifer Falls just yet.

Progressing deeper into the gorge, this beautiful series of tumblers was also deafening as the water cascaded down over the rocks. And no, this is not Lucifer Falls just yet.

But rounding the next corner, this impossibly steep drop off into the deeper gorge was breathtaking - as was the craftsmanship of the men who built the cascade of stairsteps so many years ago.

Yes, this is the top section of Lucifer Falls!

An amazing sight and place to be. What a dramatic and thunderous roar of rushing water! Wow!

The beautiful stonework and trail through the gorge was constructed back in the Great Depression of the 1930's by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

"During the time of the CCC, enrollees planted nearly 3 billion trees to help reforest America, constructed trails, lodges and related facilities in more than 800 parks nationwide and upgraded most state parks, updated forest fire fighting methods, and built a network of service buildings and public roadways in remote areas." (Source: Wikipedia).

As the advertising motto and play-on-words saying goes, "Ithaca is Gorges,"- truly so!

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