A Favorite Post

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Barn Show, Holmes Farm, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It didn't look promising as I approached the performance area after the walk across Holmes Farm. Hurricane Harvey remnants had caused rain showers and wind on and off all day.  I checked for a cancellation notice online - none - and when I drove down Manomet Point Road in the afternoon, the red hand-painted signs were up announcing tonight's show!  It was on!

This performance of the Barn Show Music Series concludes its fourth summer season of providing live music on the rolling hills of Holmes Farm in Manomet. Although the weather wasn't very helpful, we still were able to enjoy the outstanding musicians that promoter/organizer/musician Hayley Sabella had booked for the event.

(Click on an image for a slightly higher resolution view if your device supports that action).

The stage in front of the Farm Stand trailer is normally bustling with activity and musicians ready to begin. The area beyond the fence normally filled with eager patrons. As rain showers had continued right up to start time, the decision was made to move the stage/musicians inside the barn for the show.

After a herculean effort by the sound man and Hayley Sabella's team to move and set-up everything, all was ready and Hayley (at right) introduces the first act, Eleanor Electra, to get things going.

It brought to mind the roots of  Barn Show.  The first event was inside this barn.  Musicians and audience alike crowded inside on couches and boxes, crammed in wherever they could fit, spilling through the opening.  It didn't matter - it was about the music. As it should be. It's about the music - always.

I love this image - music, light, and magic pouring out of the barn. Although turnout was less than normal, there were enough hearty New Englanders willing to brave the rain for the music.  As it turned out, the rain gods smiled on Barn Show. Not a drop fell after the show began and, in fact, the skies cleared to unveil an almost full moon as darkness fell.

The inside-looking-out view.

It was a fine and special evening for the folks who showed up prepared for wind and cold and rain - this is, after all, New England - challenging weather happens. Adults had the music, the kids had mud puddles - life was good.

Love that hat - "Dudley Do-right" maybe on a visit from Canada?

The clouds start to break-up and the moon glow spreads.

Soon, there wasn't a cloud in the sky - just moon and stars and music.

Second act was Izzy Heltai.

Another inside-looking-out view.

Headliner act Laney Jones and her band. She rocked Barn Show with her powerful music, musicianship, voice, and demeanor.

Laney Jones and her band.

For a trip down memory lane, here she is back in 2014 performing at Barn Show  on the outdoor stage. I hope she doesn't wait another three years to return.

As I walked back to my car, Holmes Farm was awash with star and moonlight and the sound of night critters. It is hard to beat the Barn Show experience for great music, a beautiful pastoral setting, and the intimacy of a small venue.

Here's the view at a show a month earlier when the weather was more cooperative.

The outdoor stage is at right.

Here's a link to my previous blog posts about Barn Show if you'd like to see more.

Next year, buy a season pass - it demonstrates commitment to the ideal of local, live music, puts money in the bank to pay the overhead, and gives us great live music to enjoy on a summer's eve - right here in Manomet.

If we don't support it as a community, it will cease to exist - it's that simple.  We can be a community that supports live, outdoor, summer music or not - it's up to us.

Thanks, Hayley, to you and your team for another great season at Barn Show!

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