A Favorite Post

Friday, September 1, 2017

A Beach Walk, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Mostly, the summer crowds are gone on the week days, the beach domain reverts back to the adults who joyously take possession to hang out on a late summer day of wind, and sun, and cloud, and friends. It's as fine a location as anywhere in the world but, let's just keep that between us, okay?

(Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

So I saw this beautiful, exotic model walking on the beach and she gladly assumed a pose for me. Little did she realize that she.........

.......would be upstaged by the little humans walking up behind her out of view.

The surf was rougher than usual due to an offshore storm passage but it wasn't enough to keep the hearty away.

Upon reflection, I think these young folks must be performers or arts people - they assumed this pose on their own without any prompting or direction from me. I also used their cell phone to take their picture. That way, all four are in the image and 30 years from now when they look at it, all will be visible to remember another beautiful day on the beach together when they were young and invincible.

The water temp is down to 65 degrees F now, the slow summer decline is underway.

The gulls never leave, always looking for something to eat.

And the tide rolls in along with the wind, and clouds, and sun, and shadows.

And even when the tide rolls in, some die-hard young folks just don't want to say enough is enough - "can't we stay just a little longer, pleeeeese, just a little longer." Well, okay but, only until the bottom of my chair seat gets wet in the tide. Then, we have to leave.  Maybe..........

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