A Favorite Post

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The 2017 Solar Eclipse, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This is not what I got to see.  This is a NASA file image. I am hundreds of miles north of the path of eclipse totality. But I dutifully walked out to the Manonet Bluffs area at the appointed time when we were expected to experience about 63% lunar coverage to see what I could see.

I don't know if I would have recognized anything was different if I hadn't known in advance it was occurring. Everything seemed kind of normal but not exactly.

It reminded me of my days living in the Los Angeles area when the smog was really bad and the light was diffuse and muted and not quite right for the middle of the afternoon.

But I did see something like this. A neighbor along the bluff was out in his yard and he had a welder's mask through which he was viewing the spectacle. He kindly let me use his mask for a moment to share the experience.

It was only a few seconds but, I believe that image will stay in my head for the rest of my life - go figure.

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