A Favorite Post

Friday, July 7, 2017

Music on a Rainy Day, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It has rained a lot so far this year. In fact, for the year to date, about 26 inches compared to a normal of 21 - last year was at 18 for year to date. The bad news is that it makes for quite a few dull, drab, wet, and windy days. The good news is that our drought status has ended.

More good news is that music is a great companion for rainy days.

And more good news is that the rain brings life and growth and green and reflection. Perhaps there is no such thing as bad weather - only bad attitude.

It's rained so much, the yard squirrels have started using their tails as raincoats while they graze on dropped seeds under the bird feeder!

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