A Favorite Post

Monday, July 24, 2017

More from Amy's Garden, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is difficult to capture the width and breadth of Amy's Garden. This image is an attempt using the Photoshop Elements Photomerge panorama tool in post-processing by stitching two images together. The detail is sharper than using the built-in panorama function in the camera but, frankly, for blog purposes since most readers view it on a smartphone, the difference is minimal - click to view full width if your device supports that action. Regardless, no image captures the full beauty and grandeur of standing here.

A close-up of the path entrance.

The blue thistle is starting to blossom into its classic fireworks explosion appearance.......

....... I'll have another post about this beautiful wonder in a few more days.  This image captures less depth of field than the previous one so the distant background is blurred more. I couldn't decide which of the two I liked better so, I included them both - you decide.

It is hard to beat a warm summer evening in New England in Amy's Garden on Bartlett Pond.


  1. The garden is beautiful! I tried to comment on the previous garden post, but the Captcha code thing sent me in circles. I would comment more often if it wasn't for this silly thing.

    1. I'll look into that. I think it is imposed by the blogger platform.
