A Favorite Post

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Independence Day Eve, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

White Horse Beach has a long-standing tradition of bonfires and fireworks on the evening before our national Independence Day celebration.  This year we were graced with a perfect summer day as this view looking south from Bartlett Brook demonstrates. (Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

Walking or floating, the freshwater outflow from the brook is always a popular playspot for young folks.  In fact, I remember many summers long gone by.........

....when my own son played in that very brook as a youngster 15 years ago.  Time flies - he's a grown man now and lives far away. It was a special treat to have him home for the Independence Day holiday weekend. (Photo credit: Amy Davies Photography).

Other fathers and sons make their own memories in the fading daylight ......

.....and then sit together and enjoy the annual White Horse Beach renegade fireworks displays that light up the night. Life is good in America's Hometown.

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