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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Winding Down, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

This trip to Italy is approaching the end so here are a few more images that didn't make it into earlier blog posts. This fast-moving fresh water stream flows through town along Via del Fosso.

The Piazza dell'Anfiteatro where I have enjoyed perhaps a dozen or more sunny lunches - (and the occasional gelato if truth be told). (Panorama - click to view full width if your device supports that action).

Fancy metal work in a city filled with it.

On the north side of town, part of the wall at left.  The green space buffer surrounds the entire walled city and........

..... is popular for walking or running dogs. The 4km/2.5mi circumference wall was constructed over a one hundred year period beginning in the mid-1500's and is more than 30 feet high.

Outside the north wall, the plane trees along the path have fully leafed out making for a nice shady walk.

A traditional living room in a hundreds-year-old villa. Note the three-piece solid stone frame around the opening and the high ceiling.

Sit with me for a moment in the Cathedral of San Martino in Lucca and imagine hearing the final soaring notes of a 30-strong a capella chorus singing "Danny Boy," fading off into silence beneath the Cathedral's soaring ceiling. Looking up, I was struck by the sheer grandeur of this space which began construction in 1063 A.D. The choral group was visiting from Wales.

This looks like it could have been a music album cover back in the 1970's. Perhaps the band could have been called "The Mad Hatters." In reality, it is the six of us from southeast Massachusetts who spent two weeks together in Lucca taking pictures and enjoying the beauty of this part of Italy.

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