A Favorite Post

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Fine Art of Photography 2017, Plymouth Center for the Arts, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Fine Art of Photography 2017, the 7th Annual Juried Exhibition, opened on May 7th at the Plymouth Center for the Arts. There were approximately 1300 submissions of which 230 were selected by the judges for the competition. Of those, 23 received awards and/or recognition. Above, a steady stream of visitors arrive for the opening of the show.

A wonderful trio provided live music for the event.

There were free snacks, too!

And fresh spring tulips.

The award winners were announced at this opening event.

This was the First Place Color Award to photographer Bob Avakian, Edgartown, Massachusetts, titled "Around the Bend."

Entrants were displayed artfully throughout the first floor rooms of the Center.

Submissions were predominately from New England but there were many from other states and countries around the world, too.

I was partial to a number of the images that didn't receive awards.  Like this creative image above by Byron Tenesaca, Graham, North Carolina, titled "The Traveler."  (The bluish haze area in upper left is light reflected off the glass frame, not actually part of the image).

I also really liked this image by Mark Genovese, Taunton, Massachusetts, titled "A Loving Toast." Imagine how difficult it must have been to create this heart-shaped splash.

If I was a judge, I would like to have selected this for the "Best in Show" award - but I'm partial.......

.......... because this image was created by Amy Davies, Founder and Leader of the Plymouth Digital Photographers Club - she is my very talented wife and I was with her in Miami's South Beach when she created the image.

The show is free and open until June 17, 2017, at the Plymouth Center for the Arts in downtown Plymouth.  Come and see the wonderful images - I assure you that these blog images do not do justice to the real art works when viewed in person.

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