A Favorite Post

Friday, May 26, 2017

Local Sights, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

As spring continues to unfold, it was uncharacteristically above 90 degrees Fahrenheit on this particular day. In mid-May, that's unusual for New England. So sprawling out cozying up to the cool stone of an empty birdbath seems as good a place as any to chill out for this yard squirrel.

This red-shouldered hawk has been around almost daily this spring. He still spooks whenever he sees me move inside the house with camera or binos in hand but, I am getting better at seeing him first. Image from a distance through double-paned glass. Do you notice what looks odd about the hawk in this image?

What is odd is that in the first hawk photo, he is actually facing away from me and has turned his head around. In this one, he is facing towards me.

And once again, my dandelion crop this year turned out well. They look like hundreds of small fireworks explosions. I don't quite understand why dandelions have such a bad reputation.

Amy's Mother's Day lilies are almost done so I thought I'd blog one more image before the opportunity passes. And yes, I will concede they are prettier than dandelions. It's a big world though, and beauty can be found almost anywhere.

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