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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Nottolini Aqueduct, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Back in Lucca after our visit to Venice and to shake some of the city dust and cobwebs out, we headed south of Lucca on foot to enjoy a walk along the Nottolini Aqueduct.

Built in the 1800's by Lorenzo Nottolini, it brought water from the mountains near Pisa to the city of Lucca. Alas, during major highway construction during the Mussolini era, the aqueduct was shut down and split in the middle to make way for the new multi-lane highway that connects Pisa to Florence. (Panorama - click to view in full width if your device supports that action).

Another view of the aqueduct from an adjacent stand of trees. (Panorama - click to view in full width if your device supports that action).

Lorenzo Nottolini was also known for his efforts at the urban rehabilitation of the Piazza dell' Anfiteatro inside the city of Lucca as well as other projects.

It was a spectacularly beautiful walk but the dark clouds gathering on our return started looking like showers were imminent. The image above is on the south side of the city wall.

People were carrying umbrellas and if you didn't have one, there was someone nearby always ready to sell you one for a few euro.

Many folks simply sat under restaurant umbrellas to pass the time and wait out any shower.

As always, the rain stopped, the puddles formed, and photographers were seen aiming low to get reflection images. Even wet, Lucca is beautiful.

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