A Favorite Post

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Street Scenes, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

We had a few rain showers pass through leaving the Piazza dell' Anfiteatro glistening at blue hour. I made this image which is actually three separate views which I sandwiched together into this panorama. Amazing technology - I can't see where the seams lie and I know where they are. (Click to view larger size if your device supports that action).

People out and about, visiting with friends, family, and strangers. The main streets of Lucca (above Via Fillungo) often feel like everyone's living room and visiting parlor.

Winter has barely ended but some days are already in the 70's F temperature-wise.  That's a mixed blessing sometimes - I like having a coat on so I can fill the pockets with "stuff." Map, camera, wallet, chapstick, pocket knife, crumpled reused plastic bag for groceries, phrasebook, notes, pen, paper, etc. you get the idea. Maybe I should carry a "man bag?" Nope, I'm too American uptight to do that yet.

Always another wonderful narrow street to wander down.

The twice-weekly outdoor market formerly was held inside the northeast area of the wall but has been moved outside into a larger space with parking for cars and a larger vendor area. It is still an easy walk to the market by walking under/through the wall on the foot path, Sortita San Frediano. It is the only time I have left the city walls in the three weeks we have been here. One could live a very full life here and rarely leave the encircling and delightful walls.

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