A Favorite Post

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Amazing at Every Turn, Part 4 of 5, Venice, Veneto, Italy

There seems to be more musically sophisticated buskers in Venice - classical music to enrich the soul.

Here's another form of busking. Put some coins in the box to take a picture, or, pose with them for a picture. Either way, put money in the box.

A warm sunny wharf near the Rialto Bridge is just perfect for a pair of tourists to rest and recharge their batteries.

Gondolas at dock, the Rialto Bridge in the background.

Ready for passengers.

We had a great lunch along this wharf just below the Rialto Bridge. Even though most/all customers were tourists, the standards for food quality were high. Protecting the Italian reputation for quality food was evident everywhere.

Blue and green pilings and color coordinated clothing.

Along the Grand Canal.


This "grocery store" is on a boat docked along a side canal. Customers stand beside it on the sidewalk and the greengrocer passes over what the shopper can't reach from the bins.

A department store just north of the Rialto Bridge, Fondaco dei Tedeschi, has a rooftop deck that visitors are sometimes permitted to access. This view is looking northward up the Grand Canal......

.....and this one looking southward at the Venice skyline (with some post-processing enhancements added).

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