A Favorite Post

Sunday, April 16, 2017

A City of Music, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Lucca is a city filled with music. Like a moth to a flame, I am drawn to musicians out in the world practicing their art. Francesco, one of the many students at music institutes in the city is practicing on his 12-string guitar on one of the park-like ramparts that are part of the wall that surrounds Lucca. Beautiful sounds in a beautiful place. He seemed a fine young man and I wish him well in his music.

If I could just have gotten this man to carry a red umbrella as he jogged......oh, well, I'll settle for just the red jogging suit instead.

Street photography is often all about timing. In this case, another split second and I would have captured the man's head without the foreground spoke crossing his forehead - so close to a great image.

And speaking of bikes, they are always out on the wall, riding the 2.5 mile perimeter Passeggiata della Mura.

Life always buzzes along in Piazza dell' Anfiteatro both day and night, often with a talented busker providing a background soundtrack.

At the Palazzo Ducale, an administrative building in the city, the workers have been sprucing things up recently in preparation for the international G7 Ministers summit held in Lucca in April.

And from the wall, this wisteria shrouded patio looks like a wonderful place to sit out and watch life roll and stroll by.

Even in Lucca's imperfection there is beauty - the fading colors, peeling paint, and chipped finish speak of a grander time now in decline for this structure. Ah, Lucca.

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