A Favorite Post

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Snowless, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is unsettling in a good way. The weather has been wonderfully warm recently. Normally, at this time of year, the ice on area ponds is thick enough for skating. Not so this year. February has experienced record warmth - sometimes above 70 degrees F! A day after this image was made, all the ice had melted completely.

It's been so warm, this pink flamingo left the tropics and came north to visit - a reverse snowbird.

When I was a younger man, I never thought much about benches. Benches were for old people. I think about benches now and enjoy finding one anywhere and everywhere.

I appreciate a strategically placed bench. To simply sit on it and be - to feel the warmth of the sun, the breeze on the cheek, and watch the shadows deepen as time unwinds. Not many young folk appreciate a good bench - always in such a hurry.

Rabbit Pond would normally have ice this time of year and snow in the bushes, but no benches.

And Stage Point in the distance would normally also be crowned in white. Soon enough, all the colors of the world will explode again in the rebirth of spring.....

..........here's a hint.