A Favorite Post

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Random Scenes Out and About, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

As he has done for many years, this man sweeps the small sidewalk area in front of his home. He is using a traditional broom. (Near San Frediano).

I didn't plan to stop here in Piazza San Frediano for a snack of bruschetta but, the lovely tunes coming from the fingers of this busker were more than worth the diversion. He didn't look the part of a classical pianist but, for the hour I sat nearby, he played piece after piece after piece from memory. Maybe his plastic keyboard with the crackly speaker and the missing foot pedal would have put off a real musician but, I sure enjoyed it - "he played real good for free," in the immortal words of singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell. (On Via Fillungo).

I don't know how this ended up on our plate but, it didn't last long.

Another day, another round of diners in Piazza dell' Anfiteatro - pigeon eye level view.

Walking to lunch or just walking. Lucca is a walking kind of city - you can't get lost and you can't go too far.

A selection of modern appliances in a store display.

And if you get tired of walking, there is always a cafe, bar, or restaurant ready to serve you. (In Piazza San Michele).

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