A Favorite Post

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lunch in Piazza dell' Anfiteatro, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Although the latitude of Lucca is not much different than my home in Massachusetts (42 vs. 43 degrees north latitude), on a winter day it is still warm enough here to enjoy lunch in the bright Tuscan sunshine as Amy demonstrates the proper technique.

School girls on a break laughing and cavorting in the Piazza. (As you would expect, the crowd of boys is a few yards away off screen to the left).

Pizza al Verdure - pizza with vegetables - perfetto!

Even the gluten free craze has hit Italy. And more and more places list vegan options on their menus, too.

Of course, Amy can't resist taking pictures even while seated at table. A photographer must photograph.

Walking down a random street in Lucca after lunch. What a pleasant city!


  1. It has been unusually warm for March this year.

  2. Wish I was there! Thank you for sharing your world, i'm closer to Lucca this way!

    1. Thanks for commenting - glad you can follow along.
