A Favorite Post

Monday, March 20, 2017

A Walking Man, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

He is clearly a gentleman of distinction, out for a walk on a delightful Sunday afternoon. He fits right in with everyone else. Just another pedestrian out strolling in the local tradition. I saw him all over town - because a walking man walks.

He turned quite a few heads as he passed.  And many people smiled at the sight of him. There was clearly something special about him.

And he was kindly enough to pose when I asked. As a fellow walking man, I've never tried his style of walking attire, hmmmm? I bet that would turn some heads on the streets of Manomet.

Lucca is still and always a magical city of wonder and delight!


  1. Lovely....a unique individual with an aristocratic flare. I like it.

    Would love to see the outfit in brownish tan and or dark green. :)


  2. I saw this man and photographed him in Pistoia a few years ago. I think he looks great. I like people who are prepared to stand out.

    1. He definitely stood out - people were getting whiplash turning their necks to follow him as he passed - and smiles all around! It was great.

    2. bagnidilucca

      I'm in total in agreement with you. Would love to see your photo's of him.

      P.S I like and follow your blog...wonderful.

      Sandra aka PrettyPony

    3. He is in a post about Pistoia. I think it was called Pole Dancing in Pistoia.

    4. I checked it out! What a surprise - that was six years ago - not as colorful then as now but still very dapper! I wish I knew what his story was - retired from theatre, just likes to dress wildly, what????

  3. Thanks bagnidilucca I will check - your blog.

    This gentleman is a walking photograph and you know the phrase referencing a photo....'worth a thousand words...and all'

    He is a gentleman of which I have no doubt; a nonconformist, at least in this photo he gives that appearance of being a gentleman and nonconformist.

    I love and admire that.

    He reminds me of what Ian McKellen’s character Gandalf The White might look like in modern age roaming the land/city streets in the 21st century without long white hair and beard.

    “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Gandalf

    I think this gentleman...decided. :)

