A Favorite Post

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

More Beautiful Weather in South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

I think of Florida as a place that enjoys thunderstorms for much of the year.  Those wash-the-world-completely downpours that leave everything crisp and clean. Even outside the main storm season, the above billowing clouds have that tropical rain-on-me-soon-look. It's early February and the air temperature is 82 degrees F, no rain expected.

The clouds certainly don't keep people off the beach nor out of the water.

And many New Englanders on vacation from a cold winter can be found in the warm waters. Here's Amy sporting a new swim suit.

And always the palm trees - have I mentioned I really like palm trees? - looking up at and listening to their rustling fronds as they whisper in the breeze.

I'm not sure what this is but it caught my eye riding by: a guy with a three-wheeled motorcycle with lots of lights including a nearly complete illumination of his face mask. Good safety features - no one is going to fail to see him coming. He posed willingly for the picture but, I don't know what his hand sign means; I think I am neither hip enough nor young enough to get it.

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