A Favorite Post

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Deer in the Morning, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

On this morning, I was treated to a pretty snow-backed scene as these three deer wandered somewhat close to the house.

They made a good silhouette for this image.  Then, they skittered away after observing my presence and movement inside the house. Do deer "skitter?" Perhaps, I should have said "skittered and sproinged away."

I always get a kick out of seeing wildlife wander or race by - deer, turkeys, foxes, squirrels, hawks, heron, otters, raccoons, and others. I am a guest in their world as they are in mine and they have learned that normally, the human race is not their friend.  That's no surprise - we hunt them down and kill or imprison them or their offspring. No wonder they run from us.

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