A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Beauty and the Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

"Sittin' on the rock of the bay, watching the ti-i-i-de roll in....."

To paraphrase the old question about a tree falling in the forest, if a toy plastic character sings an Otis Redding song in the middle of an empty beach did it really make a sound?

An almost 180-degree panorama with a flat tide. The distant horizon line is the upper arm of the Cape Cod peninsula about 20 miles away.

This gull looking for a meal doesn't know that the structure on the bluff in the background (second from the left), is the Manomet Bird Observatory, also know as the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, and Manomet, Inc. Using 50 mist nets, that facility has captured, banded, and released tens of thousands of birds over the past 40-plus years providing vital and valuable scientific data regarding bird populations and migration. I know that information because my son volunteered and worked there in his teenage years awakening a lifetime passion for all things bird related.

Looking south at the arc of the bay in the late afternoon. A beautiful place this Manomet.

1 comment:

  1. It the bird sang in its heart with close closed beak…then, no sound. If it chirped the song audibly then VOILA…we have and hear sound.

    An almost 180-degree panorama with a flat tide. The distant horizon line is the upper arm of the Cape Cod peninsula about 20 miles away.

    Oh I think the gull knows…probably viewed the structure from the air. Either could not get anything of substance there or it may just have wanted something fresh and wiggly straight from the water.

    Aaahhh, the one day world renowned and much sought after oncology expert…Bless Him.

    S of the Southern C
