A Favorite Post

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Mystery Pond Spirits, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Part one of a two part snowstorm brought 4-5 inches of the white stuff to Manomet. This pond had been partially frozen before the storm so the new snow mostly turned to mush but it made some mysterious patterns.  Zooming in more closely......

.... you can see these fascinating shapes and patterns in the slushy ice. I can't figure out what would cause such an appearance so I'll make something up. The pond is spring fed and each of these black holes and the spiderweb pattern emanating therefrom is caused by tiny upwellings of warmer spring waters.  Or, perhaps the spirits of all the little frogs-to-be that are living in the mud awaiting spring have risen up enmasse to do some time travel to a distant galaxy far, far away. Or, ................

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