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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rabbit Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Rabbit Pond is a five-acre conservation property within walking distance of my home in Manomet. I made this three-image composite a few weeks ago before the fall colors.  (Click any image to view full width if your device supports that action).

This was likely my last fall visit for this year.

There was still much green remaining but pockets of color also.

The early afternoon sun is lower and lower on the horizon with each passing day - sunset is around 4:20pm now.

The homes outside the pond perimeter are starting to peek through the thinning trees.

A sassafras leave burns golden in the afternoon light.

These especially tall trees tower over the surrounding growth.

It's a brightly glowing canopy against the fall sky.

This was one of those experiments that sounded better than it turned out. I tried to rotate the camera on its axis while pressing the shutter.  Better luck next time.........I need a less bright day so I can use a slower shutter speed for it to work out.

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