A Favorite Post

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Waiting for My Ride, Plymouth Library, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This man is patiently waiting for his ride, sitting on the steps in the warm fall sunshine at Plymouth Library, enjoying the moment for what it is.

Some of you may regularly visit the right-side column of my blog where I have My Blog List. It automatically updates when the author posts something new.  Recently, the blog "Raptitude," caught my attention. The incredibly insightful author just posted,  "Life Gets Real When the TV Goes Off."  It's full of wonderful gems like the following:

"One of the least-acknowledged peculiarities about human beings is that we can scarcely bear being in the moment we’re already in. It’s rare for us to truly be at ease in an ordinary present moment, if we’re not being entertained, gratified or otherwise occupied by something. We’re always planning better moments than this current one, or at least trying to soften or improve it with entertainment or food, or anything else that delivers some predictability to our experience." (Source: Raptitude.com).

Food for thought, indeed.

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