A Favorite Post

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Deer, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I sat down to eat lunch in front of the window and there they were - momma and two little ones calmly walking across the mud flat - but momma saw me and, she usually doesn't like to be seen - even through double-pane glass. I sat mostly motionless but still, she didn't like me there watching.

They wandered to the far side of the pond munching leaves and, when I made a noise (purposefully so they would look at the camera with ears tuned), they focused on me as a potential threat.

Junior wasn't too scared though; she took a moment for a quick nuzzle with mom.

This is the same image as above but, I thought it would look better with a texture added in post-processing to hide the fact it wasn't very sharp - one of the tricks of people with point-and-shoot long zoom cameras.

Life is good at home on the range in Manomet where wildlife still roam and the deer and the antelope play - okay, not really any antelope but, that old cowboy song stuck in my head for a minute.


  1. Picture perfect.

    There is something about these particular animals that shows a gentle innocence.

    Deer Spirit Animal
    When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are able to bring gentleness and grace in every aspects of your life, even in the most challenging moments. By inspiration from the deer’s qualities, you can achieve ambitious goals and tackle difficult situation smoothly with a touch of gentleness and grace.

    Needless to say the deer is my totem/my spirit animal.

    Thanks Joe…hugs and much love to the family…especially Amy.

