A Favorite Post

Friday, October 14, 2016

Bicycles, Myles Standish State Forest, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I have always enjoyed this rippled ribbon of highway in the Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth but, I seldom get the timing right to capture a bicycle or two in a prime spot. In post processing for this image, I added a black and white infrared effect to lighten the leaves and also a texture overlay to give the roadway a softer look.

For some reason, seeing rippled mounds of highway like this reminds me of rising heat waves on roads in the southwestern United States, and that reminds me of Zion, and Sequoia, and Yosemite, and all those places I want to return to.  But, as I turn 64 in a few days, I am reminded that the sand in life's hourglass is steadily running down.  How many more opportunities will arise to experience such beauty and wonder?  A lifetime is not infinite, procrastination is not my friend.


  1. Very good sentiment, Joe. I'm planning to retire next year but vacillated for months about the decision. I'm working on a very exciting project at work but in the end, I decided that I have more years behind me than I have before me. It's time to let someone else take the reins. I want to do what I what to do. The sand keeps dropping in that hourglass.

    Thanks for the photos and the sentiments.

    1. Retirement is a mixed bag. Even now, 5+ years later, I still miss the work and the people. At the same time, I don't regret my decision but, I know people who wish they hadn't retired. It seems to depend on whether one has the wherewithal to find meaningful or useful ways to spend all that new found unstructured time.

      Thanks for your comment.

  2. You should enter this photo in the Friends of Myles Standish photo contest next year. It is a great photo.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment and suggestion!
