A Favorite Post

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Wandering About, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

I went to visit Boston again because I heard there were fireworks! Bright lights and loud explosions are hard to beat.  But I'm getting ahead of myself again. Above is an art installation on a bridge railing over Fort Point Channel. I always enjoy and seek out urban art. It takes the hard edge off the often cold and harsh city construction look.

So simple, but beautiful and elegant.

Reflections and angles at the Intercontinental Hotel on Fort Point Channel.

One of my favorite copper clad buildings in the North End at the corner of Salem and Prince Streets. (If you're looking at this and saying to yourself, something isn't right - you are correct - it is a composite with a sky from a different day/place).

A selfie reflected in the chrome bumper of a truck in the parking garage.

More reflections and angles at the Intercontinental Hotel.

Sunset from Fan Pier.

The blue hour at Fan Pier.

The visitor hordes begin arriving for the fireworks later this evening.

All the seating along the quay wall filled in well before the show began. Very few folks brought their own chairs.

After the fireworks had ended, these folks stroll by the Barking Crab restaurant on Fort Point Channel.

Crossing the channel enroute to the parking garage and the trip home. Another 15,000+ step adventure.

Note: tomorrow I will publish the fireworks images.


  1. Thank you Joe for sharing these wonderful photo's over the past several days. I appreciate them and you as I am sure hundreds if not thousands of other do.

    All love to you, Amy and the ornithologist the two of you produced. :)
