A Favorite Post

Monday, August 15, 2016

Yoga on the Beach, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I think I must be spending too much time at Priscilla Beach Theatre lately.  Every scene in regular life I see with multiple people, gives me an urge to turn it into a dramatic stage ensemble vocal number like "A Chorus Line."

Of course, these folks are not stage performers but rather Amy's yoga group assembled on White Horse Beach for a morning session.

The angle of view for these first few images was directly into the morning sun so I wanted to take advantage of the silhouette effect and.......

....experiment with different effects in my post-processing software. (Photoshop Elements 14).

Moving out of the direct line of sun gives a better sense of location on White Horse Beach. The distant promontory is the northernmost portion of Priscilla Beach.

This early in the morning there are no other beach-goers out just yet - (and it's a weekday).

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. I found conflicting dates of origin but in any case, the practice is certainly thousands of years old.

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