A Favorite Post

Monday, May 16, 2016

Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It was a spectacular spring day on Bartlett Pond.

Time to get out the kayak and get a little upper body exercise.

A well deserved break after all that paddling. Now, I'm hoping to get a glimpse of this year's swan family. They don't let me get close when I am in the kayak.

Here's mom swan and her seven cygnets swimming vigorously away from me even though I am a long ways off with a zoom lens. Seven is the largest brood I recall seeing in sixteen springs on this pond.

To create this panoramic image, I purposefully panned the camera unevenly.

A new large house (at left) is under construction, replacing an old small cottage.

And over at nearby White Horse Beach, another new house on concrete stilts takes shape.

Over the winter, Bartlett Brook received some maintenance from the town to keep it smoothly flowing to the ocean. This section of the outflow channel is now arrow straight - that is until the waves and tides have their way.

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