A Favorite Post

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Spring, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is disorienting to arrive home when spring is already well underway. Last I remember, it was snowing and cold. Although it is still chilly, seeing a forsythia bush blooming yellow and the grass greening are clear proof that winter is over.

The birders are out at Manomet Point observing the spring migration.

The seals are lazing around enjoying the longer days and increasing warmth.

Yep, life is good in Manomet.

My yard flowers - some folks call them weeds.

A faint hint of color around the pond perimeter.

And indoors, spring is happening also.....

.....tulips in the late afternoon sun.

A sunset selfie as reflected in a 2007 Honda gearshift.

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