A Favorite Post

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Random People Out and About, Centro, Madrid, Spain

It was a picture perfect day - blue skies, puffy clouds, light breeze, and a gentle chill in the air. Springtime flowers in bloom and love in the air in the Plaza de Oriente on the west side of the Teatro Real.

Just sitting in the warm sunshine outside the Royal Palace was a perfect activity for the day.

Or, leaning against a wall in the warmth was a close second.

Babies, beers, and tapas.

Table for eight?

Portions instead of tapas were common in some tourist areas - a bigger serving and a bigger price.

Flowering pear trees line this pedestrian-only street near Teatro Real where these long shadows attracted my eye. Spring is well underway here although behind the Seville area since Madrid is father north and at a higher elevation.

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