A Favorite Post

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Loose Ends, Seville, Andalusia, Spain

As we prepare to leave the city of Seville to move to Jerez de la Frontera for a few weeks, I found a few good images that I had neglected to publish in earlier blog posts.  Whether through oversight or lost in the shuffle, I include them now.

Above, during the Semana Santa week of religious celebration, a random penitent (Nazareno) walks along the bicycle path across from Seville University.

Another penitent walks across a busy boulevard pedestrian crossing.  No more nor less eye-catching that any other person. It is uncanny how commonplace such an uncommon sight has become.

At the Plaza de España, a couple enjoys a leisurely row along the moat.

The Plaza de España, built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929, is a structure of such grandeur and scale that we visited many times - and each time, the light and shadows and angles brought great visual photographic pleasure. A remarkable vision of the architects of that time.

This subterranean restaurant in the Barrio Santa Cruz looked like a wonderfully inviting place to have dinner, alas, we never made it......perhaps next time? A wonderful cool, Moorish feeling.

One of the many hundreds of men (thousands?) whose job it was to unstack and set up the wooden folding chairs along the procession route for Semana Santa.

A penitent walks along Avenida de la Constituctión enroute to his procession starting point. He'll be out walking for the next twelve hours or so - perhaps barefooted in the cold night.

And none of the penitents wear shoes like these. Sevillianos do love their shoes - shoe stores are seemingly on every corner, and, men and women alike seem to relish seeing and be seen in exciting and interesting footwear.

Goodbye Seville! A wonderful city of light, and music, and dance, and faith, and kindly, friendly people.

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