A Favorite Post

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Wandering About, Centro, Triana, Seville, Andalusia, Spain

At the risk of over generalization, Seville seems to be a hip, smartly dressed, and fashion-conscious culture.  Even the kids are well dressed. The only LLBean style polar fleece sweater I have seen here is when looking in the mirror.

Strolling in Triana with some hipsters.

Another sunny lunch spot - the diner next to me has not eaten his tapa of spinach and garbanzo beans! I should have offered to help.......

Parental smartphone bonding.

Kids playing nearby while the parents eat lunch.

A lone cloud hovers over the former site of the Castillo de San Jorge, once a medieval fortress and prison of the Spanish Inquisition. Nowadays, it is the location of a popular and bustling indoor food market for the Triana neighborhood.

A glass coffee table made a nice mirror image of our living room windows creating an illusion of the window rounded both at top and at bottom.

Miguel de Cervantes, the great Spanish novelist and author of "Don Quixote," did something at this location. I have seen these plaques in various spots in town each with slightly different wording, none of which I can understand.

Soccer (futbol to most of the world) is well suited to playing in a city on hard surfaces.

I often saw very young kids kicking them around. Plaza Nueva is a popular spot in front of city hall.

This beautiful building is one of my favorites in Centro combining many different architectural influences.  It is located along the pedestrian-only Avenida de la Constitución (pedestrian-only except for the occasional quiet surface tram and many, many bicycles).

Too bad they built this modern thing next to it. On the bright side, all those glass walls make for great views from inside.

The red devil tries to be subtle by waiting in the dappled sunlight, knowing I will pass by with my defenses down on this beautiful day but, I was ready and able to fend off the wily advances.

This waiter is actually a street performer defying some of the laws of gravity. He's hoping the law of gravity that lets coins drop in his tip can is still effective.

Too early for lunch but, an interesting use for table and floor lamps.

Most windows have either inside, outside, or both types of shades to keep the brutal heat of summer at bay. These woven rattan models are the traditional style.

Everybody walks in Seville - everywhere - almost every time - we fit right in. I haven't missed my 10,000 daily goal step count yet!

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