A Favorite Post

Monday, March 28, 2016

Out and About, Centro, Seville, Andalusia, Spain

Anyone who has ever shared their life with or studied a dog carefully will recognize the sideways lean against the wall by this shopkeeper's pooch enjoying a spot of morning sunshine.

And speaking of morning sunshine, another red Vespa is standing in it along my path.

Later in the day, we went to the river hoping for a great sunset but, the clouds didn't cooperate so I turned my attention to experimenting with the pan-blur technique. This is when you select a shutter speed (in my case between 1/15 and 1/30, and pan the camera in time with the motion so as to create a sharp subject with a blurred background.

Getting more background blur without blurring the bicyclist proved elusive.

Try and try again.

This one seems to be the sharpest - maybe, like reading text, I can pan better from left to right than right to left.

A brief passing shower in a quiet neighborhood of Arenal.

I passed this shop on the way home where this man was agreeable for a photo as he was busily slicing paper thin pieces of pig's leg (jamón) for the evening tapas orders.

And a last look back from San Pablo toward the Triana Bridge as the sky made a pretty blue hour image to close out another great day in Seville! (The yellow edge stripe has been freshly re-painted in preparation for the upcoming Semana Santa processions through the streets).