A Favorite Post

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Walking the Dog, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This morning dawned with a fresh two inches of snow. It's the first time this year I've had to use a snow shovel. That's pretty unusual since it is mid-January already.

There wasn't much of the white stuff but it stacked up nicely on the tree branches.

I don't have a dog so I took my red umbrella out for a walk.

He never strayed very far from me and would stop and look back waiting for me to catch up.

Well-behaved, he always stayed put when I gave the "stay"command.

He doesn't writhe around on dead, stinky things as a dog would.

But, I didn't like it much when he jumped up into the tree to chase a squirrel.

All in all, a red umbrella is nice but, I think I'd rather have a dog.

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