A Favorite Post

Friday, January 15, 2016

Beginning the Second Floor - Neighborhood Home Renovation Project, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

One of the advantages of this year's relatively mild winter so far is that projects like this can continue apace without undue weather delay. Above, the floor joists for the second floor are being set into place.

The final sheets of exterior sheathing on the first floor are being installed.

I'm glad I came by before the flooring was installed above..........

...... because the open beams make great angles and light and shadow at this stage of the project.

If you look closely at the rocks sticking up at left.......

.....you will see this troupe of seals, hanging out in the sun catching a few rays.  (Yes, I know, too far away, not very sharp images but, you get the idea).

Low tide and warm sun usually means that each rock is draped with one or more seals.

I wasn't the only trying to get a good picture of the seals.  Maybe next time........

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