A Favorite Post

Monday, January 25, 2016

After the Storm, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The big storm has passed now, leaving only 5 to 6 inches of fresh white, heavy, wet snow in this area.

The retreating storm clouds begin to part. In just a few minutes, solid blue prevails.

After a storm like this, the small slope at the Manomet Elementary School is always a popular destination for young kids and parents.

The gentle slope is.......

... perfect for the young sliders coached by an attentive daddy.

It's hard to believe just twenty-four hours earlier the wind was howling and near-blizzard conditions made visibility almost zero.

Fresh footprints track across the untouched snow near the Priscilla Beach Theatre.

These winter storms may wreak havoc with our transportation systems but, they sure leave behind a beautiful gift.

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