A Favorite Post

Friday, December 25, 2015

Sunrise, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

These images aren't from this morning but, they feel appropriate to mark the most significant day in the Christian religion celebrated by more than two billion people around the world. A spectacular sunrise is a reminder of the glory of life whether connected to a God or evolution or whatever else one might believe.  A sunrise like this fills the spirit with hope and the promise of a new and better day ahead.

The bluff in Manomet faces due east and this time of the year there have been some spectacular sunrises. Not knowing in advance which morning will be breathtakingly beautiful and which won't, I asked others who were able to capture a couple of the recent wonders and let me publish them. (First photo above courtesy of Ida Parker). (Second photo above courtesy of Mary Ellen Parker).

It is within the power of humanity to create peace in the world.  We just have to stop killing each other in the name of God - any God.  Many will say: it's not that simple.  But I say, yes, it is that simple.  Stop killing in the name of God. Peace to all on this day of hope for a better world.