A Favorite Post

Monday, December 14, 2015

Dreamers, Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Many of you readers have asked me over the past year about my apparent fascination/obsession/cheerleading and frequent focus in this blog on Priscilla Beach Theatre. Well, I've been thinking it over and here's your answer:

A few years ago I wandered into the Barn Stage at Priscilla Beach Theatre. The wind whistled through the rotted sections of wall and rustled the leaves inside on the floor. Support structures were rotted from rain and weather damage because the building had deteriorated over a decade of neglect. I probably shouldn't have even been in there.

But now, a year and half later, Priscilla Breach Theatre just finished its sold-out performance season in the newly restored Barn Stage. How is that possible?

It is about the power of dreams. Bob and Sandy Malone, owners and guardians of PBT, didn't just decide randomly one day to sink a ton of money, energy, time, and effort into a dilapidated old barn theatre. It started with a dream - a vision - to rejuvenate this icon of local American theatre.

There were many who said it couldn't be done - tear it down and start anew was the chorus of advice. The obstacles were daunting but, the Malones persevered.  Putting one foot in front of the other, they moved forward with a singular purpose and determination to achieve this dream.

And through their dream, they have created a place where the dreams of others can blossom. I've been there many, many times during the past year and seen the excited, alive, jubilant, energized kids and adults living their own dreams through this theatrical campus.

Drama is a world of make-believe as old as humankind - storytelling in word, song, and movement. The Malones provide a venue for thousands to enjoy the opportunity to create, speak, sing, dance, and act. The venue also provides an opportunity for thousands more to watch and hear the performances.

Who among us has the motivation and determination to take the risk and chance to follow their dream? Not too many of us but, the Malones did. And their action was and is an inspiration to me and the countless aspiring actors and actresses who have benefited from the restored availability of this campus. What the Malones have done at and for Priscilla Beach Theatre is worthy of note and celebration - and I chose to do that in this blog.

Amidst the madness and chaos of our modern world, there is the occasional oasis where life is lived intensely - a place where dreamers can dream and their dreams can come true. Priscilla Beach Theatre is such an oasis. Dreamers make our world come true.

Thanks for asking - sorry I took so long to answer.

Pre-restoration - May 2014.

Rotted decking - May 2014.

Swirling leaves on the floor - May 2014.

Bob and Sandy Malone (and family) at the ribbon cutting ceremony on July 10, 2015

July 2015.

You can revisit all my posts about Priscilla Beach Theatre at this link. Posts covering only the restoration and construction project are at this link.

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