A Favorite Post

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blue Sky and Bright Light, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

These gulls are wary of humans - it is difficult to get very close but the one on the left was making a nice approach to landing just for me.

Not that I name my images but, this one could be called "rock and roll."

The sun dips below the top of the bluff - it's early afternoon and almost the entire beach is already in shadow.

I raked a lot of leaves today - hours and hours worth - I used an old-timey, metal-tined, wood-handled rake - a very slow and zen experience - squirrels and birds chattering nearby - a chill in the air - neither batteries nor electricity required. I am not fond of noisy leaf-blowers - using or hearing.

Meanwhile, over at the nearby building project the background sky was quite beautiful. Soon, the footings and foundation will be poured.

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