A Favorite Post

Friday, November 27, 2015

A Yellow Forest, Ithaca, New York, USA

Sometimes when driving along, I will stop abruptly to make a picture.  I have learned that if I don't, I'll forget to come back and a sight will be gone forever (and a potential blog left undone). This random yellow forest by the roadside near Ithaca was one such location.

Wandering among the trees, it was magical in its yellowness. (Don't ask me what "yellowness" means - if you've ever stood in a fall forest with the leaves raining down, you already know).

What is it that makes a human pause and enjoy such a sight? We must be hard-wired to see and recognize beauty even though it doesn't seem to be directly related to survival.

The following three images I manipulated in post-processing to give different finish textures.

Not everything yellow is a leaf.

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