A Favorite Post

Friday, October 9, 2015

Silhouettes, Provincelands, Provincetown, Cape Cod National Seashore, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

Seeing this beautifully back-lit cloud gave me the idea to narrow my focus and just concentrate on capturing images of silhouettes.

Contrary to typical photographic guidance, I often enjoy pointing the camera directly into the sun to see what I might capture.

Sometimes, it works out well..........

....... and sometimes it's a little bit too cluttered to make much sense of.........

.........and sometimes, it's just pretty to look at and enjoy for a moment.

So here's my favorite of this series - the body language and posture of these two folks fascinates me, imagining their conversation.

A last bit of pink highlights the darkening sky. (Astute observers may recognize the hatted figure above). A beautiful place, the Outer Cape.  No wonder it attracts so many visitors to experience its magic.

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