A Favorite Post

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Highland Light, North Truro, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

The challenge in making pictures of such an often-photographed lighthouse is to make the image somehow different and more interesting than hundreds or thousands of others that are similar.  I used the long shadows of people to try to achieve that goal. 

In 1797, President George Washington authorized a light to be located here on the Cape. It was the first lighthouse on Cape Cod.

Highland Light (previously known as Cape Cod Light) is easily accessible within  the grounds of the Cape Cod National Seashore.

My favorite part of this image is not what you might think at first glance - what I really like is the shadow of the jumping woman's body on the picket fence.

If I had a lower angle of view so the woman's figure was completely against the sky, this could have been a great image.

The last blast of the setting sun is reflected in a window.

The after-sunset glow.

A touch of moon and a few pink clouds.

Unique photos or not, Highland Light is a beautiful place to visit on the Cape.