A Favorite Post

Saturday, October 3, 2015

At the Beach, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

An idyllic late summer day at White Horse Beach - warm air, clear skies, light wind, light surf.

A perfect day for some chair-fishing.  Although, I'm not sure how much fishing is actually going on here.  But then, I guess fishing isn't really the point, is it?

A colorful umbrella can brighten up any image.

I encountered this wild critter when walking home. He seemed confused about whether I was friend or foe. Usually, the rabbits around here scamper away before a human gets this close. Maybe he sensed I was a vegan kindred spirit. No, I don't really think so either.

White Horse Beach isn't always calm and idyllic. When this raging storm hit the area last year, the bay was anything but calm as these massive rollers pounded the coastline.

But in early fall this year at low tide, all is peaceful again - vacations are over, kids are back in school, the goldenrod is in bloom, and the beach is all but deserted except for a few walkers at low tide. Life is good in southeast Massachusetts.

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